Application of Work Pass and Visa

Employment pass and work visa services in Singapore

Leave the confusion about your Employment & WorkPass application behind to us!.

Work Pass & Visa

Singaporean workforce is made out of niche professional who comes from many different countries out there in the world. That’s mainly because the country has been able to earn a positive reputation for delivering a safe and clean environment for the employees to work. Due to the same reason, there is a consistent inflow of skilled employees to the country. They contribute heavily towards the economy of Singapore as well.

Work Pass

All foreigners who intend to work in Singapore must have a valid pass (Commonly known as a work visa ) before they start work. Below are the common passes in Singapore
Pass type
Who is it for
Employment Pass

For foreign professionals, managers and executives. Candidates need to earn at least $5,000 a month and have acceptable qualifications.

For eligible foreign entrepreneurs wanting to start and operate a new business in Singapore.
Personalised Employment Pass
For high-earning existing Employment Pass holders or overseas foreign professionals. The PEP offers greater flexibility than an Employment Pass.
Skilled and semi-skilled workers
Pass type
Who is it for
S Pass
For mid-level skilled staff. Candidates need to earn at least $3,000 a month and meet the assessment criteria.
Work Permit for foreign worker
For semi-skilled foreign workers in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services sector.
Family members
Pass type
Who is it for
Dependant’s Pass
For spouses and children of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.
Long Term Visit Pass
For parents, common-law spouses, step-children or handicapped children of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.
Pre-approved Letter of Consent
For eligible spouses or children of Singapore citizens or PRs holding an LTVP/LTVP+ issued by ICA. The holder is pre-approved to work in Singapore. They can only apply for a PLOC when applying for, or renewing the LTVP/LTVP+.
Letter of Consent for ICA-issued LTVP/LTVP+ holders
For eligible spouses or children of Singapore citizens or PRs holding an LTVP/LTVP+ issued by ICA. The LOC allows the holder to work in Singapore. The employer must apply for the LOC.
Letter of Consent for Dependant’s Pass holders who are business owners
For eligible Dependant’s Pass holders who wish to operate a business.
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